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Monday, October 10, 2011


From the previews and newsprint I was under the impression that George Clooney is the main actor or at least co-lead of the film with Ryan Gosling. I was wrong. This is more a Ryan Gosling vehicle with everyone else encompassing the supporting cast. Clooney is Mike Morris a presidential candidate with Ryan Gosling playing Stephen Myers a junior campaign manager on Morris's team. The senior manager is Paul Zara ( Philip Seymour Hoffman ) who has been in the game a long time but has some major trust issues. Mike is portrayed as someone that is for the people and not about government and Stephen is a buyer and believer in his dream and will help fight the good cause. Though previews try to present this as a political thriller that does not favor one side or the other the movie definitely has a left leaning thought process.

As the movie progresses we see how no matter how noble people try to be everyone is always vulnerable to some mistake/choice that will change their view and change the course of their lives. Clooney is mostly in the background of the movie and really has only one scene that adds something to the film while Ryan does some good acting. If you have to see Ryan on the big screen, definitely watch this film rather than "Drive". Evan Rachel Wood as Molly the intern adds a sex appeal and love interest to Stephen. For people that care on a side note she is more attractive here as a blond than her typical brunette style. The rest of the supporting cast consisting of Paul Giamatti ( Tom Duffy, a rival campaign manager ), Marisa Tomei ( Ida Horowicz, a news reporter ) and Jeffrey Wright ( Senator Thompson ) though effective in the movie are really just window dressing.

In the end, as with most politics, no matter what side you are on and what you try to portray yourself as, most politicians are dirty and corrupt in some way. The movie just reinforce the thought process that most of have is that people will do what they have to, to get to where they want to be in this world no matter who they have to step on to get there.

Rating : 2.5/5 - Ryan is good here with Clooney being Clooney. I was more interested in the supporting cast than the two main leads as I thought they added more to story. The consequences that happen to everyone from their own actions is typical in this genre but it is delivered pretty good. I didn't hate the movie but if you can wait a month or two it is worth a viewing at home as it wasn't need to be seen on the big screen.


frank said...

care to exchange links?

DodgerPenguin said...

sounds good to me...